Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Nintendo 8 Bit , on P.C. (K and L)

Kabuki “quantum Fighter”
Energy --- 068c 006
068e 006 + 0089 255
(use select button to change weapons)

Karate Kid
Energy --- 0085 010

Invincible --- 008f 099
Energy --- 0035 016
+ 0068 000

Kickle cubicle
Start at level 4 --- 010a 003

Kid Icarus
Firepower (levels 1 thru 3) -- 00a5 007
Energy -- 00a6 077
No eggplant spells -- 00a2 099
Always fly -- 0150 008

Kid Nikki, Radical Ninja
Invincible (turn off switch when you get stuck
0088 000 + 04d1 000
mega weapon --- 00e5 000
lives --- 00cc 005
No annoying music
0750 255 + 0764 255 + 0778 255 + 078c 255

Kid Nikki 2
Energy --- 0094 006

Kings Knight
Energy --- 009a 009

Kirbys Adventure
Begin with THE SWORD --- 05e0 003
Invincible --- 05f9 002
Infinite lives --- 0599 045
Remove the annoying music -- 05fb 255

Kiwi Kraze
Invincible 1 --- 04c3 099
Invincible 2 --- 04c4 099
Lives --- 0704 007
Breath --- 0089 009
Level 4 --- 049f 004

Krion Conquest
Invincible --- 03de 099
Lives --- 0043 007
Energy --- 004c 009
Another code -------0048 001

Kung fu Heroes
No enemies --- 002d 002
All doors open --- 0029 000
Level 5 --- 0028 005
Level 10 --- 0028 010
Level 15 --- 0028 015
Level 20 --- 0028 020
Level 25 --- 0028 025
No annoying sound --- 0040 255
(a.r. pro only)
all weapons
0075 001 +
0076 001 +
0077 001 +
0078 001 +
0079 001 +
007a 001 +
007b 001 +
007c 001 +
007d 001 +
007e 001

Legacy of the wizard
Invincible (blink) --- 0085 001
Energy --- 0058 070
Magic --- 0059 070
Keys --- 005b 070
Jump --- 005c 040
Speed --- 0088 001
Start near the end ---- 006e 004
006f 015
All weapons --- 0060 015
+ 0061 015
+ 0062 015
+ 0063 015
+ 0064 015
+ 0065 015
+ 0066 015
+ 0067 015
+ 0068 015
+ 0069 015
+ 006a 015
+ 006b 015
+ 006c 015
+ 006d 015

Legend of Kage
Invincible --- 0041 002

Legend of Zelda
Infinite energy --- 0670 255
(Zelda was designed to save the game each time you die.
Or, press Up on Joypad 2,
and simultaneously press “A” on Joypad 2)
start with all weapons --- 0658 002
0659 002
065a 002
065b 002
065c 002
065d 002
065e 002
065f 002
start with ladder --- 0663 002
start with book --- 0661 002
start with ring --- 0662 002
start with Key --- 0664 002
warp medallion --- 0665 002
SWORD --- 0657 003
Red rind --- 0669 009 + 066a 009
Tri Force ---------------------------- 0671 255

Legendary wings
Invincible --- 007a 004
Lives --- 0058 008
Inv. Player 2 --- 007b 003
Lives playr 2 --- 0059 007
Final level --- 0011 005

Invincible (Including Backgrounds)
--- 0084 090

Invincible (except backgrounds)
--- 0082 005
invincible (player 2)
--- 0085 090
Lives --- 0034 008
Lives player 2 --- 0035 008
Final level --- 0030 005

Little Mermaid
Invincible --- 003f 004
Energy --- 00b1 005
Final level --- 00e9 005

Little nemo : The Dream Master
Invincible (blinks)
--- 0630 010
keys --- 008c 008
energy --- 05d0 003
Lives --- 008e 006
The bee (fun code)
0490 008 + 0660 099
final level --- 0097 009

Invincible --- 009a 090

LOLO (the adventures of Lolo)
Press the “A” button to walk through Rocks, etc.
005a 003 + 0059 002 + 005b 001

LoLo No enemies --- 00b5 003

The door is always open --- 007d 006
+ 00ab 009
Press “B” to walk through walls
007e 003 + 007f 002 + 0080 001

Lunar Pool
Energy ---- 01c3 003
Lives ---- 01c5 003

Nintendo (A & B) and Numbers

Nintendo (C & D)

Nintendo (E & F)

Nintendo (G & H)

Nintendo (I and J)

Nintendo (K & L)

Nintendo (M & N)

Nintendo (O & P)

Nintendo (Q & R)

Nintendo (S )

Nintendo (T)

Nintendo (U & V)

Nintendo (W & X)

Nintendo (Y & Z) And, Updates.

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all codes throughout are Copyright 2002-2009 Seth S.
(Most comprehensive Code Collection Ever)

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